Over a decade ago, I learnt about The SCARF Model developed by David Rock.
Throughout my career, I’ve subconsciously applied it.
The SCARF Model involves five domains of human social experience: Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relations, and Fairness.
Here’s how they’ve played out for me:
Status - In my mid-thirties, as I was building my career, I sought internationally recognisable organisations and leadership roles within these businesses.
Certainty - I studied two nights a week during my late twenties. It was important I had stable employment as my wife and invested in our future.
Autonomy - During my late forties, with teenage children and established expertise, my time with my family was important to me, and I set up a small advisory business to achieve this!
Relations - After several years at an international business in London, I had the opportunity to move to other roles in different companies. Still, I chose to stay at Microsoft due to my wonderful colleagues.
Fairness - Unfortunately, throughout my career, I have seen the interpretation of employment law not undertaken with its intent. I can see why some people have felt aggrieved and left their employers.
More on The SCARF Model, including the cartoon above, are in "Making Life Happen" - due to be published next month.