At CIO Edge this week Peter Weill chairman of MIT CISR presented his latest research, and Australia is lagging behind other parts of the world, some key findings;
only 5% of Australian business are future ready, compared to 18% globally
62% of Australian business are silos and spaghetti, compared to 53% globally
both impact margin, 14 and 11.1 percentage points.
This data reminded me of what I have experienced within organisations with leaders rationalising why they don’t need to change; I refer to this as the being in the ”lounge” in the 1-minute Ticker TV interview with Ahron Young below.
We need to look beyond our immediate competitors and country for inspiration, MIT offers this. Peter’s research has identified four key ’explosions’ that help - decision rights - new ways of working - organisational surgery - platform mindset.
Photo is of my keynote at the same event.