In 2021 the expectations of the technology team to contribute to future digital business models and demand for resources, will continue to increase. Beyond the interest of the working practices of the technology team (e.g. Agile), there is a growing interest in the technology capability of certain individuals within the team and how this capability could be applied to digital.
This demand will stretch resources and potentially have consequences that need to be considered. Trade-off decisions are likely. The technology team will need to inform the organisation of technical readiness with references to the technology within the organisation while integrating the digital future of an organisation.
There will be a need to manage this demand and show progress in a simple manner. The Digital Aspirations Readiness of Technology (DART) assessment below can assist with this. The DART assessment is not a strategic plan, it is an assessment of capability.
The DART shows:
• Current capability - what your technology team is capable of with the technology that is currently available.
• Near-term capability - what the technology team is now working on (this could be a project or new release of an item in the Agile backlog) that will uplift current capability. This will benefit the organisation; however, it may not extend to the digital capabilities required.
• Digital demand - that is dependent on the technology capability. The organisation has clearly articulated the digital strategy and plan with technical requirements understood.
Establishing the Readiness of Technology is good practice. Including the Digital Aspirations may be optional for some organisations at this stage; however, the technology team needs to consider how to incorporate this demand at some point.
The DART concept can be applied to manage many activities.
