Jacob Morgan is the author of the “The Employee Experience Advantage”, the book was possibly inspired by his questions to many C-level executives: ‘if your culture was a pill, would you take it?’ Almost all answered no.
His early research established that those companies that potentially have a ‘take-able’ pill appoint managers who truly want others to be more successful than they are. Further, these organisations have a coordinated one-team approach to:
This approach creates an Employee Experience Advantage (EEA).
Jacob furthered this research with a team of data scientists reviewing companies on published ‘best’ lists. Some organisations appeared on these lists at least and up to forty times; they all embodied an EEA, in addition to benefiting from:
Being three times more profitable
Having 40% less turnover
Having 24% less employees to revenue when compared to similar organisations.
These organisations focused on some consistent themes across their vision, mission and values:
Reason for being: interestingly, all organisations had no reference to being profitable nor unrealistic aspirations
These organisations did have a genuine reason of being that rallied employees to consider their impact on and role in the broader community
People in ‘positions of power’ cared about others: ‘people people’ were appointed to senior roles with very little or no emphasis on technical competency
All organisations know their people well through the use of data tracking people-related metrics and genuine dialogue (not spooky thou)
They think like a lab and less like a factory.
When I met Jacob in mid-2017, he emphasised that discretionary employee efforts is a result of two factors; their employee experience and the organisation taking an active role in creating a meaningful future.