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Jun 23, 20201 min read
You have an exciting new partnership ... have you created a FUTURE COMPETITOR?
I am working and talking with several organisations, their market has changed, and they also want to change. They want to differentiate.

Feb 19, 20201 min read
What do customers value?
What you think your customers may value may not be the case. Here is a one-minute video explaining the stages of determining value. Many...

Feb 5, 20201 min read
Are you digitally dumb or numb?
A one-minute video explaining the concepts of ”digitally dumb and numb”. Many organisations continue with non-valuing adding work into...

Jan 29, 20201 min read
Rationalise the work to realise your potential
A 1-minute video explaining why digital is about people and the importance of rationalisation of their job-related activities. If...
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