What is the Metaverse? What is Facebook's involvement?
The MACRO Consequences of Our Low Level of Trust?
The benefits beyond emissions for NET ZERO (originally published in CEO WORLD)
It is freedom eve, why does our family have anxiety?
Facebook this is not the first time, we all should again consider our actions (CEO WORLD)
'Finding A Better Way' in our highly interconnected and interdependent world
How a late-night in Spain originated in Finding A Better Way
You thought about a writing book but are not sure how you can?
Digital is all about change, and it starts with some important questions
S-Curves and their digital application
If you only ever read one of my blogs, this is it … what to consider for your digital business
The different types of technology; their strategic importance, and the security consequences
My vaccine experience - I thought Pfizer would be cold but it wasn't!
Interim business modes can qualify scale at a reducing marginal cost
Downstream, Upstream Thinking and Understanding Their Loops
The one diamond in the ten types of people representing their organisation
Finding the intersect in negotiations so everyone can win
Partnering with technology organisations, conversations, and sponsorship
Our new book “Finding A Better Way” has FREE advance copies available for review!
A glimpse into our smart connected future